Last updated: 3 January 2005
K6XX makes about 20,000 QSOs each year, and since Santa Cruz county is moderately rare (at least as far as QSLs are concerned), thousands of QSL cards are sent annually. I'm happy to accomodate your QSL card request. Please help me do this quickly and efficiently so my time may be spent happily on the air rather than writing addresses on cards!
Once we've worked, here's how to get yours:
Stations Outside the Continental US: Direct cards with an accompanying IRC (one is sufficient), "greenstamp", or SASE are usually answered immediately and go out with the next day's mail. Those without return postage are answered via the bureau.
Bureau cards are answered via the bureau. I generally make two bureau submissions per year. Japanese cards are sent directly to the JA Bureau; all others are shipped via the ARRL Outgoing QSL bureau. Please note that many of the bureau QSL cards received are years late. In fact, in mid-2001, I got several hundred Japanese cards for QSOs during the early 1990s. I cannot, of course, account for that! Please remember that continental US cards cannot be forwarded via the bureau.
Continental US Stations: Cards with an accompanying SASE are usually answered immediately and go out with the next day's mail. Those without return postage are stockpiled for when time, motivation, and excess postage is available.
The same procedures apply for all operations, whether from home or from a DX location, such as K6XX/6Y5.
K6XX is registered with the "LoTW" (Logbook of the World). Every HF contact is logged and submitted. There may be a delay of a few months between the QSO and uploading the record to the LoTW server, but it will get there eventually.
N6IP, my former callsign, will be registered with LoTW. However, much of the old N6IP log is handwritten. If you wish a confirmation with this callsign and do not find the QSO registered on LoTW, please send a regular card.
Direct QSL Requests should be mailed to:
13400 Empire Grade Rd.
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

E-mail: Bob Wolbert, K6XX
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