This was a big deal years ago... but now the Elecraft KX3 completely betters the ancient FT-817 in every way...

Yaesu FT-817 Portable QRP MF/HF/VHF/UHF Transceiver

The FT-817 is a small 5W MF/HF/VHF/UHF transceiver with internal batteries. Here is an assortment of technical information I put together about this rig that might interest you.

Attention newsletter editors: If you are interested in reprinting these things (that's a technical term) in your not-for-profit newsletter, e-mail me first. You must agree to some simple terms before publication.

A note regarding formats: most of the files are available both in standard web browser-compatible HTML format and Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) format. I recommend you first browse the HTML file on-line, and then download the PDF if you want a printed copy. Acrobat PDF files are very well compressed, yet the graphics print out with excellent quality--the schematics are much easier to read from a PDF printout. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader, follow the link into Adobe's web site. The reader is free.

Updated 2 March 2005


FT-817 Simplified Operating Guide                                PDF
Add a Collins Mechanical Filter to the FT-817                    PDF
FT-817 Receive Mode Current Drain Graph                          PDF
FT-817 Transmit Mode Current Drain Graph                         PDF
FT-817 Transmitter Efficiency Graph                              PDF
FT-817 Output Power Variation with Supply Voltage Graph          PDF
FT-817 Automatic Band Select and Serial Interface         HTML   PDF
FT-817 Accessories and Cables                             HTML      
Optimizing AM Mode Performance from the FT-817                   PDF

The FT-817 has many features and few knobs and pushbuttons, so a menu system is used to access most of the radio's functionality. The most important commands are summarized on a single page that you print and carried along with the little radio.

The factory accessory CW or SSB filter is replicated at a much lower cost.

The receive-mode current draw of the rig with various supply voltages is graphed.

The 5W transmit current draw of the rig with various supply voltages is graphed.

This circuit interfaces Yaesu solid state amplifiers (FL-7000, Quadra) to the FT-817, providing automatic band selection as well as T/R control, etc. Outputs are provided for DuneStar/ICE band pass filters, or may be employed for automatic antenna selection. An RS-232 serial interface is also included. [New 2 March 2001]

Are any of these papers of interest? If so, please let me know. Send me e-mail at

73 de Bob, K6XX

E-mail: Bob Wolbert, K6XX

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